I found another

Art work that grabs my attention.

Agita Keiri

It’s the colour that gets me first. That blue is spectacular.

And then I found another.

Irina Zaytceva

Well two anothers.


That foot!

I think it’s almost time for me to get my finger out and try to do some serious work.

Look at this stuff.

It’s not wrong of me to aspire to such brilliant talent – is it?

Siri was no use. We discussed, doctors, IP’s and brittiens, (whatever that last one is), and all I wanted to know is if I could be a brilliant artist.

She was obviously avoiding the question.

MIL arrived safely.

N got her the biggest pot plant in the shop.

I said just a small one. I guess she doesn’t know her plant sizes yet.


Unfortunately it won’t last long. Both MIL and I are notorious plant killers.

But I’m going to try.

This year is going to be the year of trying. I really think so. And, I want to try a lot of things.

First off, I’m going to try to steer clear of resolutions (except the trying one). They never work and I just get all depressed and useless.

Here’s my little resolution man.


Only I like to call him my Good Intentions man.

Now he’s probably going to be my, you’re going to try what!, man.

Just to keep it real.

Only is he a man? He seems more of a blob thingy to me.

I just love him.

She’s away right now, but perhaps you can get your own blob thingy later.


You know you want one.

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