Some new work and a plan.

These are some things I’ve been working on.

I’m interested in developing my silver skills and making more of my doodles.


I like these earrings and think I’ll experiment more with them today.


Don’t ask about the dots.

For some reason this pendant reminds me of the circus.


Not sure about this necklace. I like it but I wonder if anyone else will.


And finally, back to some old basics.

I need to make some more earrings for the art fair this April.


I’ve found a neat accounting site called Wave and have started logging in some of my numbers.

I’ve only logged in my expenses so far which kind of looks bad especially as P the Wonder Boy believes I’m all expenses and no income.

I’m not so sure. Today I will put in the sales and that’ll show him!

Personally, I think I’ve broken near enough even to be quite proud of myself, especially in light of how many supplies I have.

Not a tremendous profit as of yet, but this will be my year, I can feel it in my bones.

Now, you may be wondering where the $10,000 has come from. Well, P just happens to be my matching gift programme (told you he was Wonder Boy). I make my jewelry, sell it and say, hey P, look how much I’ve sold, I’ll send this to Africa I think. And he says, but you haven’t really made any money yet. And I say, stop being so negative, it’s all a matter of perspective.


But, people, this year I’m all business. My next $10,000 is going to be allll profit. And I might even pay P back his matching gift. Although that would defeat the whole gift philosophy, wouldn’t it …

I’m feeling it’s a great time to start.

I reached my first goal while perfecting my skills, (no matter how I got it). I had a happy birthday to me yesterday with Indian food and champagne. And now I’ve got me a whole new grown up, you don’t really need to be an accountant, really you don’t, money tracking thing.

Writing my business plan, it seems I only have three goals.

1. To mak a profit.

2. To save the world.

3. To win the Nobel Peace Price.

It’s doable don’t you think?

It’s all upward from here people. Good things are going to happen.


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