I’ve been painting

Or rather, oil pastel-ing.







I think this is my favourite medium. The colours are so rich and meaty.

I find it hard to get back into jewelry after an art show. It’s like I’m all jeweled out.

I did fairly well at the festival. I made a thousand dollars, which, with what I already have, brings me to fifteen hundred.

I think this time the money is going to the Water for India thing, and Syria again.


Although I’m going to check out the Indian charity a little more first. I don’t usually give to the smaller charities as they aren’t so well known.

I don’t know, sometimes I get disheartened. It all seems so little for so much, but I can’t worry about it too much otherwise my brain will explode.

And that might hurt a bit.

So, I will leave you with a picture of my son in his halloween costume.


If you see him, please take him directly to the nearest psych ward.

He needs all the help he can get.


0 thoughts on “I’ve been painting

  1. Beautiful colors, I love the vibrancy! I think it’s amazing you give back to charities, not everyone thinks of doing that!

    • Thanks Ashley, I’ve just been sneaking around your website. Nice children’s clothes 🙂

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