Chain making mania

I have it.


And now I can’t stop even though they take ages to make


And it means my prices will have to go up


And I’ll never sell anything any more


But they give so much more depth to the pendants that I don’t think I can turn back now.


Off to make another one

I’ve got water and protein bars stocked up so if you don’t hear from me for a while I think I’ll be o.k.

16 thoughts on “Chain making mania

  1. I love these chains! Your last one looks like the figure 8 chain in a book I got from the library. Would you share if you soldered it?

    • I did solder it. It isn’t as fiddly to do as it looks. For the bottom, green garnet one, I soldered the small links that hold the figure 8’s together last. For the second necklace with the jaspers, I soldered the larger links last, before I twisted them into the 8, and that was a lot less fiddly. Both ways are good.

      • Thanks! I’m starting to really love making my own chains, too! It’s just such a high end look.

  2. Love making chains and especially love the chains you made here! Infinite possibilities!

  3. You have inspired me – been making chain myself – though not nearly as good looking as yours!!!

  4. Carol Fields

    What gauge of wire are you using to ball up the wire on both ends. I’m still having trouble getting the second one to ball. Thanks

    Ciao, Carol Fields Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 13:01:15 +0000 To: [email protected]

    • 18 gauge for the thicker wire and 21 gauge for the connecting wire.

  5. Sandy

    Love your chains!

  6. I get you… it feels like cheating if you back and add components that you didn’t make from scratch. Worse, it LOOKS like cheating — at least to the maker!! 🙂 I’m just grateful I haven’t started excavating my own metals yet…

    • Lol, I know. When I finish something I’m always a little disappointed that I didn’t make the beads also 🙂

      • Exactly! I’m there in the bead bog already (well, people ASK me “did you make these [semi-precious gemstone] beads too”), so I feel a cheat saying I bought them, and then I have to figure out how to make my own … ok, I like it too 🙂 But I’ve been unable to find a Jasper mountain in my backyard, so I have to use other stuff. And you do your own cabs, that goes a looong way. Mixing in your own with bought beads counts, doesn’t it?? But no gold mining, please (lol)!

        • I’ve only done a few cabs so far and I do feel guilty saying it’s handmade when I haven’t made them lol

  7. jddrive

    Thought you might enjoy this chain. It was a challenge for me.

    • Thank you JD. I’ve seen that chain, it’s just one step on from the loop in loop. I’d like to see what you did with yours 😉

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