So the plan was…

That the chunky chain got a home.

Didn’t happen.

Instead I started a new painting.


Yes, I know I said I’d given it up again…

So I got this far and then decided I was bored with it.

So I moved over to the jewelry area and half heartedly played around with some sketches and stones.


And decided on the spider one.


Even though I knew that it really wasn’t ever going to be the same as the drawing.

Just to step it up a bit I used one of my new stamps on it.


And then soldered it onto a back plate that was way too large for it.


That annoyed me as I usually pay a lot of attention to the amount of silver I waste to the point that I often have zero wiggle room to work with which also annoys me because then it’s touch and go that I’ve enough silver around the piece to do what I want with.

Guess the search for a happy medium continues…

Now I will share with you a tip for what to do with all your old pick sticks.

I don’t know about you, but after a while my picks start to loosen from their wooden handle. Even though I try to ignore it for a while they eventually start to swivel in the handle when I’m doing the picking thing with them.

I still try to ignore it, but then it just begins to get ridiculous and I can’t do a thing with them.

That’s when I get excited because I remember that hey! I can just buy a new one.


I’m a bit slow on the uptake sometimes.

So, not one to be wasteful, (apart from the huge amount of silver waste above), I keep the pick ends and use them to prop up pieces when I’m soldering.



Anyway, long story short, it all looks good here, but the soldering flopped due to the funkness and then I had to go in to make dinner…

Not before I added a bit more to the painting though.


So… that’s it.

In other news, while I was bored with it all and in one of my funks, I bought a new table top to add to the jewelry bench area and now it feels more complete.


I’m telling you, that small Swedish store is a blessing when you need a funk distraction.


Now my jewelry area is fantabulous.


And I feel very fortunate.




And just so the painting side of the studio didn’t feel left out I bought it a new table and drawers also.


That side is still a bit of a mess, but I’m working on it…

But look at all my pastels!

They have a happy home…



AND last, but not least, I have to tell you that I’ve hit another milestone.


Next stop $50,000.

See where I’ve sent it – HERE


7 thoughts on “So the plan was…

  1. leciaw63

    Wunderbar! All of it! You’re just too funny! From the art (all inclusive) that you create and from the amount of work that goes into it all, I surely wish that my funks were like yours! Anyway love the studio changes and congratulations on another incredible milestone! Stay funky!

  2. Your studio looks great! I love your paintings. And I think what you do with your profits is wonderful. You should never be in a funk. What you do is too valuable!

    • Well Sue, I’m still waiting for your blog blog to start. All I see are balloons 😉

  3. Congrats on your new milestone! You must be selling like crazy! Your work is amazing, so I can see why you do so well.

    Did you ever wonder why funk and funky have the same root when they mean such different things? This keeps me up nights, along with wondering why so few humans spend any portion of their days trying to make the world a better place? This actually angers me, as I spend so much time and money I don’t have trying to save and rescue dogs, and then go on Facebook, and see dozens of selfies and whining about such trivial things. If I ask for help, I get, “oh, I wish I could, but I can’t because of x, y and z.” That’s not helpful at all. I want to rant at people there, but people would think I’ve gone off the deep end.

    Anyway, I’m working at my craft so I can get good enough so people actually will buy my stuff, cause I am following your lead about the charities. Feel free to delete this depressing rant.


    • lol I’ve stopped worry about other people and just get on with what I love to do – in-between the funks that is.

  4. I still have studio envy 🙂

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