
I woke up one day and had nothing to say.

Actually it wasn’t one day as it had been creeping up on me for some time. Since my dad died to be honest.

And that was that for the blog.

And for my motivation.

I don’t really know if I’ve come back from being gone yet but I’m going to try hard this year to get back some purpose.

I’ve got a new house and a new grandson.

What’s not to feel motivated about.


Last Modified on 4th January 2021
This entry was posted in Other Stuff
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30 thoughts on “So

  1. June Knowles

    you have been missed – that grandbaby is so precious, I can see your light shining through and we are looking forward to hearing more from you in the coming year.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you June ? He is an absolute joy. Always smiling. Happy New Year to you and yours. Deborah.

  2. Kathy

    What a sweet baby! I love reading your blog posts. So I hope that you will write more. Your work is simply beautiful. Wishing you happiness and blessing all year long!

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      You to Kathy ? Best wishes to you. Deborah.

      • Suzanne Boehm

        Your humor and instructionals have been truly missed!!! Death is such a gut kick that’s hard to get past. The birth of your first grandchild is such a different emotional experience that overwhelms you with such feelings of love and hope!!!!! Hope your New Year is everything you could wish for. Looking forward to your new post!!!!!!


        PS Don’t miss one second of snuggles and loving with your new little man cub, they grow up tooooo quick!

        • coldfeetstudioblog

          Thank you Sue! Happy New Year to you also ?

  3. Jean Watkins

    I love your work and I miss seeing it like I use to! Your new grandchild is so precious! Enjoy!!!

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you Jean ?

  4. Judy Larson

    I have never considered you gone because every time I turn around, I see some of your creations that I have never seen before on a variety of sites and pinterest boards. I love your blog posts and go back to re-read them for tips that I have forgotten. You have a treasure trove of information and how-tos here and for that I am very grateful. Thank you. And enjoy the heck out of that new grandbaby!

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you Judy. That’s so nice of you. I hope you have a good New Year. Stay well. Deborah.

  5. Anonymous

    Oh my how your humor and instructional post have been missed. Death is such a kick in the gut that’s so hard to get past. The birth of a grandchild is a feeling like no other. The shear joy and hope they bring into your life is undeniable. I hope your new year is going to be so enjoyable and look forward to your future post!!!

    PS don’t miss one second of snuggling with that little man cub, they grow toooooo quick!!

  6. Anonymous

    What an adorable grand baby! I was looking at your Instagram just yesterday and thinking how much I have missed your posts. I love seeing your paintings and how to videos. Wishing you peace and tranquility in the New Year.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you! Wishing you well this New Year also ?

  7. Chris

    Your grandson’s eyes shine brightly in his adorable face! There is nothing like the love we feel for a grandchild.
    I do hope the year brings you back to a renewed sense of purpose. You have been missed!

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you Chris. He is absolutely lovely. His whole face smiles.

  8. Anonymous

    It’s starts with one.. one thought …one person ( little will work ) glad to see your back…

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      I agree. Thank you.

  9. Hang in there. I gained a granddaughter and lost my mother within 11 months. The Universe gives and takes away. That’s what I finally figured out. Hugs.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      I think that also. Sorry about your mother. It’s really hard. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  10. Anonymous

    Blessings. You are not alone.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you ?

  11. Corinne

    Glad you’re back.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you Corinne. Happy New Year to you.

  12. Awww, he is adorable, and if we could see your face I’m betting it has a big grin. Grandma. How wonderful is that.

  13. That’s an adorable photo. Lovely to have an email saying you’d made a blog entry pop into my inbox last night. Hugs.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Isn’t he lovely. He smiles with his eyes.

  14. Nice to see you back, and your grandbaby is adorable. I bet if we could see your face it would be grinning from ear to ear. Grandma is a fabulous way to start a new year.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you Alice. I just love him ?

  15. cynthia hendrickson


  16. cynthia hendrickson


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