I have struggled with making my own jump rings ever since I’ve been, well… making them. The only thing, in my opinion, more annoying than making jump rings is wire wrapping. Fortunately I don’t care to make wire wrapped jewelry, but on the odd occasion that I need to make something requiring even the simplest wrapping technique […]
I present to you the…
Pathetic Lump. Looks like a creature from the unknown. Not to be defeated I went on to make a bigger, better, stronger, Pathetic Lump So that the first Pathetic Lump would have a friend and not feel so alone in its patheticness. Little do they know that their friendship cannot last as it’s back to the flames with […]
It worked!
Thanks for all the good wishes. We had a great art fair and the weather was absolutely perfect. For a minute I thought we must be somewhere other than Houston. NO humidity what so ever. Brilliant. AND I met this really neat little old guy and we chatted forever about jewelry making. Loved him. Never had […]
Wish me luck
I’m off to the art fair! (Sounds like it should be a song) It’s going to be a lovely day which is all I could wish for here in Houston. Please no humidity. Please. – – –
I’ve got some things done. It’s been like pulling teeth. Every day I go into the studio just to find some excuse to take a break. Even after just fifteen minutes. When I can’t find a reason to leave the studio I just decide that I’m so thirsty I’ll die if I don’t get a drink […]
So the plan was…
That the chunky chain got a home. Didn’t happen. Instead I started a new painting. Yes, I know I said I’d given it up again… So I got this far and then decided I was bored with it. So I moved over to the jewelry area and half heartedly played around with some sketches and stones. […]
It’s a Monday!
Another chance to save the world. Today I am going to get out of bed and make something with my chunky chain. Can’t think what yet, but I’ve given up painting again so that will help get me back into jewelry mode. I’m a little concerned, however, as my alarm went off this morning and I […]
So I think what happens is…
I go go go go go on the creative front and then I flop. It’s probably that my brain needs a break and shuts down for a while. It can be dangerous when that happens as you know it will just come back with a vengeance. The funny thing is that I never thought of […]
I’ve been boring myself again…
I’ve got no energy Ma… And, to knock myself really into the what the hell zone I’ve just finished a necklace which is like, what? Maybe it’s just me. I’ll be back when I’ve figured out how to not bore myself. – – –
I don’t know where I’ve been all week.
It’s just flown by. I have been a little bored with the jewelry and just can’t seem to be bothered to start anything new. I finished this for Serina. And then decided to use up some more of my larimar beads. That bead cap needs a little adjusting. And then I started a new chain. But […]
Chain making mania
I have it. And now I can’t stop even though they take ages to make And it means my prices will have to go up And I’ll never sell anything any more But they give so much more depth to the pendants that I don’t think I can turn back now. Man! Off to make […]
For Nancy.
The end caps. – You can make these plain or textured, wonky or straight, rustic or perfect, but these are the way I made mine for the pieces you’ve seen. I use fine silver. I buy all of my sheets in fine silver and most all of my wire in sterling. I like to use […]
The 20 gauge fine silver by 8mm mandrel chain
With the bracelet. Done. – – –
I’m a jump right in person. You?
Of course this doesn’t always go according to plan. I’m just a little too impatient to read all the books and watch all the YouTube how too’s. I just like to look at the pictures and wing it. So I’ve made a few of no go’s over the years, and that’s o.k. as sometimes new […]
If you can remember, way, way back, before yesterday
I was getting ready to make this. Then my family came. And went. 🙁 I really liked the lightness of this design, but for some reason, which I can’t remember now, I went a different way with it. Now it’s heavy and Victorian looking and only people who like heavy Victorian looking things will perhaps buy […]
Back in the saddle… almost.
It takes me a while to get back to normal after my family leave. I like to sit around wallowing for a couple of days. I also like to give up cooking, stop going to the grocery store and stay in bed for a little longer. O.K. so I always stay in bed for a […]
So where were we …
Well my dad left 🙁 And then my sister left 🙁 And once again I find myself here, all alone, in this strange land they call Texas. – It was great to see them. I really had a good time. Dad was here for three weeks, which seemed like only one, and my sister was here for […]
And the winner is…
O.k so it’s not a winner exactly, but I felt that since we had talked about the chain I’m still impressed with myself for making, that it’s something of a big reveal to show you what I did with it. And so, without further ado, Open the curtains please… The Bracelet. Dah daaah. Lol Bit […]
O.K. So while I’ve been gone…
Nothing what so ever has happened! It’s just been a weird month that plugged into my hypochondriacal, so I’m going to die now am I, self, which only stopped yesterday afternoon. Nope it wasn’t big. Loads of people go through it. BUT I didn’t like it and I felt really really sorry for myself and […]
A Cautionary Tale…
So short story long, I had surgery on Tuesday. Just a small one concerning those parts of the body that an old grandma might refer to as the ‘unmentionable’ bits. It was nothing EXCEPT that I had to sign my life away, have HALF the blood drained out of me, have an EKG AND a […]
Another quickie…
For anyone out there who would like a comprehensive tutorial on prong setting, bezel setting, and flush setting faceted stones, Ann Cahoon has one of the better demonstrations I’ve watched. You can download it to watch immediately or purchase the dvd. HERE Enjoy. Actually they have a lot of good dvd’s. And here’s another piece I’ve […]
I prefer stone collector to addict…
I’ve spoken about my cabochon habit before, but today I thought I’d fess up. They do say that admitting it is the first step to recovery. Don’t judge me. They actually are more beautiful that the photo’s give them credit for. The colours didn’t come out well. I took them so that I could keep […]
And now…
I’m going to share with you my latest adventure into jewelry making where I seemed to have fire scaled the living daylights out of an innocent piece of silver… I have to tell you the truth, up until now I hadn’t given much thought to fire scale. I’d heard the word bandied around the jewelry […]
A hundred days of what?
I came across the 100 day project and thought why not. Trouble is I didn’t know what I’d want to do for a hundred days. I’m not usually up for challenges as I believe they are set ups for failure, but I thought, hey, I might give this one a go. So I decided I […]
Sad news
Guinness passed. It was quick. One day he was there, rummaging around his cage, making important decisions like what to have for lunch. Oh yeah, that dried up food in that little bowl there. That’ll do. Then he got pneumonia. And died. He went to the vets. Had an x-ray (don’t talk to me about […]
The boy is back in town.
And when the boy is back in town things happen that you didn’t want to happen. Like coming home to strange animals. First there was Guiness. Imprisoned for his sins. (If you remember he was found guilty of the sexual abuse and consequent death of Thor. RIP) Then Nutmet. The clumsy kitten with diarrhea. Thankfully that […]
Just a quickie…
I wanted to show you what I do when I’m buffing one of my pieces. Full disclosure here that I’ve only just started to do this because I’m the SLOWEST learner IN THE WORLD! You probably do this already so don’t rub it in. When it’s finished but before I put the stone in I give […]
A little bit for Linda and then some for Deborah…
As usual I started off with the good intention of photographing everything I do to cut a cabochon, but then forgot. Sorry Linda. Sometimes I didn’t forget, but didn’t want to lose a hand. You understand I’m sure. Talking of hands I was listening to NPR yesterday and it was actually about how they can […]
I finished the custom order and the lady liked it! It was a nice surprise to hear from her that she wanted it. The day I finished it I told P that I didn’t think I was up for any more custom orders as it was just too hard for me to get to grips […]
Warning. Things are getting bad. Please send chocolate…
I’ve almost completely had it now with the boredom, the bathroom, and the custom order, but at least I don’t have to worry about the cactus garden for a while now as we had 162 billion gallons of water fall here last week. 162 BILLION GALLONS! I can’t even count that high. P still went into work though […]
Well I’m still here,
And I’m still bored. Maybe it’s the weather. It’s done nothing but rain since I woke up two months ago, and although I like it I think it might be making me a bit moody. The garden is loving it though. I’ve been thinking about water a lot just recently, and how we use it, […]
Nuttin’ but worry and indecision…
While I’ve been away, recuperating from the trauma of losing one of my most beloved teeth, I’ve been working on a couple of custom orders. (Actually, there wasn’t much recuperating going on, I was just boring myself silly with all the drivel I’ve been writing lately…) I’ve never really felt that comfortable trying to make something […]
On this fine Saturday
I thought I’d show you the result of this It’s a little green, but I’m liking it. Here’s the back. And that’s about it. I’m still mourning the loss of my tooth. A little bit of me just thrown away. Gone from me forever. But it’ll be o.k. I’m sure. Hanging out with all the other […]
Oh the trauma…
Lots of trauma. First up, I had to have a tooth out. I know, right! Now I feel old and gappy, as though I’ve forgotten to put my dentures in. It was a horrible experience and I’ve felt shattered the WHOLE week. I can only imagine what I’m going to be like when I have to […]
The beast, the triffids, and the goal…
I finished the beast by taking out the Serpentine stone after I gouged a great big 5mm wide trough through it from one side to the other and managed to work with it on the Jool Tool (beginning to like this thing) until it was looking better. I found that Serpentine, at least the ones […]
So, I’ve given it all up again…
This week I’ve only managed to make horrible things. Not only are they horrible, but they took years to make. It was like drowning. So I’ve decided to knock it on the head for a bit. For the rest of the week I’m just going to just clean up my jewelry for the art festival in […]
Back to front.
I decided to try something I hadn’t done before. With a coral fossil, similar to this one, which wasn’t particularly inspiring me. It’s very round and very flat. So I saw a photograph of a back to front setting and thought I’d have a go. It’s a little bit boring, but next time I might jazz it up […]
It’s all very exhausting.
I finished the thing. I’ve never embroidered before, just cross stitched, and I must say I’m enjoying this more. I can do it faster and get more detail. I’m half way through another and after I’ve practiced more I think I’ll make a big one. I also finished this pendant. I bought the bottom Sonora […]
From funk to determination.
Yep the ol’ funk still. If you’ve been reading my blog for any time you’ll know I get them. I’m a funky kind of person – and not in the good way 😉 Well this one’s just been lingering around trying to make itself more important than it really is, and I’ve been plodding along almost going […]
Tube setting – thoughts and discoveries.
So I made a few tube settings and, although it goes against every grain in my body, wouldn’t you know it, slow and sure wins the day. Almost. I also wanted to start using up the huge bowl of scrap silver I have sitting beside me. Taunting me always in the corner of my eye. […]
Just in case you were missing me.
I thought I’d send you all a pic of my mantle. Soil crumbs an’ all. I love all of my mates. Although P rolls his eyes. Look at my new bird 🙂 Off to wipe it down now. Oh, and I’ve been trying out new things with my triffid drawings. And, the flush setting has […]
Let the quilting begin…
I had a bit of a slow day yesterday, but finally got the half-finished quilt out. Here’s where I had left off. About a year ago when I got bored with it. Even though it was practically finished. Sometimes it goes like that. So I finished putting the red dots on the blue doowhats and have […]
I’ve been thinking quilts…
I refuse to think that I’m in a funk. I choose to believe that I need a change of scenery. (Thank you Cecilia, By the way, did your tank come yet?) Beginnings… Not sure how far I’ll get with this one for now as I’ve another one half finished, but it has got my quilt juices […]
You can relax now…no soldering for this one.
I made these yesterday and have decided to keep them for myself as, according to P, they go with my black heart. I rarely wear jewelry so hey for me! I call the one in the middle, Peas be with You. So if you want to make one It’s very simple, and I only got two […]
How to practice your soldering skills whilst making a fantabulous bracelet…
So, this isn’t for all you seasoned solderers out there, but is instead for anyone who is a relative beginner and who feels that they could do with some practice. To begin at the end, here’s what you’ll accomplish. Everything on this bracelet is soldered, but you can choose […]
Now we will take you back to our normal programme…
I think something more to do with the actual making of jewelry rather than just the showing and telling bit, although I never did get to do that at school and am just beginning to see what I missed out on. I know, poor baby, that was a huge chunk of my childhood down the drain right […]
A few probs around the house.
First up, Nutmeg. Nutmeg isn’t mine, but she sure acts like it taking the best seat in the house and the cosy blanket. She’s the Boy’s, who showed up with her a few months back when he came home from university. Like we wouldn’t notice. Yes she lives with him, but did he not know […]
Complete overload.
It seems that I can’t handle too much internet at one time. Something had to give. Either that, or I’ve hit my boring stage. Whichever it is I’ve got nuttin’ except a few pieces of jewelry to share and I’m even beginning to bore myself doing that. Hang on, let me think… Nope, still nuttin’. […]
Is it still raining here! Is it not aware that we are Houston? That, yes it can rain, but not all of the time… I mean, I like a good downpour as much as the next person, but I want to take some photographs and, although the dark depths of doom sky is pretty cosy in […]
I’ve done it!
I’m not sure if it’s really up and running or if I’ve just imagined it all… but I’ve done it! It took me a week because I dithered around waiting to take some better photographs of some items, but it’s been cold, dark and dreary here so I kept putting it off because I like […]
So, now we’ll get on to the old lobster claw dilemma…
I like them, and I don’t like them. O.K. What else shall we talk about… – First off, I can safely say, without having to dither around second guessing myself, that small lobster claws are definitely off the menu. They’re fiddly and they just look like little, I can’t be bothered so I’ll just use one […]
Suddenly, just when I wasn’t looking
All my clothes got worn out. Yeah, I know. Just like that! Every last tee shirt I own is misshapen or has holes in it. Probably due to my dripping pickle on it in the studio. Got to pay more attention to that. And this all makes me sad as I do not want to go shop […]
To dangle or to not dangle? A survey…
I made the bracelet without the focal cabochon and really like it. It’s heavy and fits perfectly. I timed how long it took me to make, and I figured about three hours all told. Then I tried pricing it out as the flourish and thrive course suggests. Which brought it to $451! I’m just not […]
Stepping it up a notch.
I’ve been making a lot of bracelets in my, step it up a notch, campaign 🙂 But first, look at this beautiful stone. Agua Nueva. Such a beautiful colour. I made it some links, and included some pearls. The grey ones are my favourite, although I do keep trying to like the other ones – honest. […]
Am I too pickled for opera?
Between you guys (sorry been in Texas too long) and the Flourish and Thrive course I’m really beginning to sort myself out… I think. Either way I’m enjoying myself. In January I decided to take my jewelry to the next level. To Infinity and Beyond. It started out a bit boring and at first I […]
Well O.K. then.
You thought I’d forgotten you hadn’t you 😉 Never. I’ve been trying to figure things out. I’ve just finished the first week of the Flourish and Thrive course, which has made me sit down and really think about my jewelry making. Of course this has brought out all my ambiguity issues. Do I want to take […]
I’m a bit of a chicken.
But I’ve thrown caution to the wind and joined Flourish and Thrive. So far I feel that I’ve been working on perfecting my jewelry making skills, but (scary but) perhaps now I’m ready to take another step. I’m trying to concentrate on the idea that you won’t die just by going up to your comfort line and […]
So there I was. In the studio.
Minding my own business. When in the space of one swallow I had a sore throat. Add that to the constant runny nose and it’ll not be long before I need my face mask for more than just keeping the dust out. Actually I’m wondering if I shouldn’t put my pickle farther away from me […]
O.K. so don’t tell anyone, but
The other day I had a bit of a moment with tool buying. It was just me, Ani, and paypal, and we had a whopper of a good time. Well, it was good for me anyway. I finally broke down and bought me a With which I am hoping to do a bit of this […]
It is my great honour, and privilege, to present to you today.
The joy and anguish of my life. In all its grubby self. To take my mind off it being in the same room as me I bought it some new friends. The Optivisor… I got a 2x and it’s brilliant. I was a bit doubtful at first, but it really is cool. I have to […]
Oneupmanship or, why I might never have been born.
Yesterday I told my dad about my scary torch adventure, and wouldn’t you know it, he had a better one to tell. First off you have to understand that my dad is a 1930’s Londoner, and we all know that back then, in the dark days, things were a little different to how they are […]
So I made it.
I found a welding shop a little closer to me and bit the bullet. Before I left I did find an online shop which would deliver a tank of acetylene to me the next day. I didn’t use it as I’d lost my wrench (i.e. someone took it) and couldn’t get the regulator off. As […]
Oh god no! Or, where the hell is Scotty when you need him!
Again with the empty tank! Just when I finally seem to have recovered from my last, fraught with danger, danger, Will Robinson, acetylene tank refill trip, the darn thing’s empty again! What’s up with that! Surely I only just changed the old one out for the nice fire truck red one. I thought I was safe […]
Once upon a time I said I’d show you my doodles…
But that I was afraid your computers would explode as I doodle all of the time. Well buckle up, and perhaps you’ll want to steer clear of any electrical outlets… This was when I was having a little brain funk. Working on my font skills. Now, you might say that they’re all the same, and you’d […]
I am back in the saddle. If you’ve forgotten, here is a view of the central control station. Where all of the good stuff happens. And some of the bad. All nice and tidy and ready and waiting. I keep thinking I would like to get myself a proper jewelry bench. I like the idea of […]
Now, where were we…
The MIL has gone. She left on Saturday and has returned home to the freezing cold and fog of London, but at least we had half prepared her for the weather as even here, in Houston, it’s been a bit chilly. By the way, fog is one of my favourite weathers. I love it. You […]