As you probably know by now my video skills leave a lot to be desired. I had wanted to make a, ‘why don’t you make one along with me’, video of the Cheetah Jasper necklace, but what with the glare and the constant fumbling around for my grown up words and then forgetting to explain what I’m doing I have decided that really this is just a show and tell.
If you are able to make anything of it that helps with your own jewelry making I congratulate you 🙂
Indian Jewelry Supply not Art Supply, but I’m not sure if they’re around anymore.
Short-Handle 1lb Brass Head Hammer – Rio 112061
Lindstrom HS6001 Cutter Shears
Chasing tool from 2moontools on Etsy.
Turned out to be no dilemma at all as I only had 23 gauge anyway 🙂
I use an acetylene/air torch and mostly pick solder.
Here I’m using the little silver balls to pick the solder up instead of my pick. I pick the ball up in my tweezers and take it to a pile of solder chips I have laying on my brick. I heat a little piece of the solder which then attaches itself to the bottom of the ball. I keep it heated as I move it back toward the leaf.
I mainly put the little hammered balls under the pieces that make up the bottom layer. I do this to bring the pattern up off the back plate to give it some dimension. As I build the picture up I don’t use as many balls but instead lay pieces where I think they will best suit the design.
I generally have all of the solder ready to go on the bottom of each piece.
As I said, I’ll try to figure out a good way to video the process without the glare and try to show you how it all comes together on another piece.
I know you can hardly wait…
BeadSmith 1-Step Big Looper Plier
You are a true sculptor.
looking forward to joining you – virtually – later……… once I can tear myself away from the buffalo tools site!!!!!!!!
well Deborah; that was lovely and really informative; so thank you again for making the time to share your processes with us. I have a question about stamping, if you wanted to give me your opinion … I always anneal my silver, coz I find that makes a massive difference, but even so, I really struggle to get a decent impression with all but my tiniest 2-3mm Impressart stamps. I have a proper hallmark from the London Assay office (ooo, get me!) and I have no problem with that or with my 999FineSilver stamp, or some small letter stamps from Cooksons value range, just with the expensive impressart ones! I understand that the larger the stamp, the harder it will be to get a decent impression, but never-the-less, my feeling is that it’s either me, or it’s that the Impressart ones are made from a different metal that doesn’t give such definition. Anyway, after all that waffling, my question regarding your opinion is…I was wondering if you had tried the impressart ones, and if you rate the Buffalo Rutlands over them. And now I’ll leave you be, and thank you again for those top tips – especially the one about holding the chip of solder firmly in place with the solder pick to force it not to flow all over the wrong part of the silver, instead of the join (that happens to me rather more often than I would like, and mostly to a piece that has a lovely texture in it!). x Dawn
I think I have one or two impressart stamps and I don’t find them as good as Buffalo Rutland’s, but maybe I’m not using them correctly. I think there are a few youtube videos on stamping that I may look up.
Holding the chip of solder down is a bit tricky at first as it still likes to run away with you, but I think I’ve got the hang of it now. It’s great for when you want just that one little spot to solder.
I spent last night watching Mr Rutland’s you tube, and wishing he was UK based! Feeling much happier now you’ve said you prefer his. Thank you. x
Love the new necklace…pure Art!! The precise placing of all of your little bits is just unbelievable!
Today was the day – I got my black max in the mail and my satin finish buff – both recommended by you!! Was so excited to finish up my necklace and reveal it to you – had my whole speach ready for the unveiling about how I was so inspired by you and your beautiful jewelry to take a risk and make something “substantial”. For me that was a small silver pendant on a chain holding a rhodonite stone, but very substantial in comparison to any attempt I’d ever made before. I buffed it nicely but lost some of the detail of the leaf (disappointment #1) and the very top of the bezel wire (I used 23 gauge silver for the bezel cage instead of bezel wire – lesson learned because it was so thick) was not snug up against the stone like I wanted it to be so after fooling around with it for a long time and trying to nudge it into place with different pliers and hammers (denting the silver all the way) I decided to put it in the vice to isolate the area and figured I could just tap that baby into place. I don’t know why I was so shocked when I released it from the vice and now had 3 separate stone pieces…had cracked it right up! Talk about the final finale haha! So now I have this pendant minus the stone that was meant to be inside it. Reluctantly, and after trying ridiculously to super glue the stone back together, I’ve come to the conclusion that I now have to take some other stone and grind it down to fit. it’s hard to imagine another stone belonging in it – I had it in my head a certain way!! But as you have encouraged people to do, I’m going to regroup and perservere!! I always remember you saying something about “if this ball pops off I’m going to never make jewelry again”. Haha and that’s exactly the feeing I had tonight looking at my little disaster!! I will keep at it until it’s finished. Then I’d like to upload a pic somehow and show it to you. I really do owe your blog for getting me so obsessed with trying all of this!! You’re quite a mentor!
Thanks and keep making beautiful things!!
Jill, thank you so much for that 🙂 Not for your mishap, but for the note of encouragement for me also. You know I sit here wondering what the hell I’m doing half the time lol
Yes, it was def the 23 gauge bezel wall, but you know I would have probably tried the same at one time or another. Everything we fail at makes us a better craftsman is my theory and at least you’re going for the grinding next which is hugely adventurous in my book.
I always find it disappointing when my impressions aren’t deep enough to retain the patina. That’s been a learning curve for me also. I’d love to see what you’re making.
Best wishes,
WOW…. I can’t Thank you enough for this beautiful Video series! I would much rather learn in person from you however this IS the next best way! Thanks Again ~from an Inspired Artist … dreaming to be like YOU! 🙂
PS Thank you Jill for sharing your struggles ….you keep going girl!!!
Thank you Debra. I hope I’m the right person to be basking in your compliment and not Jill 😉 I’m a Deborah also albeit spelled differently.
ok… did I read that right… Are you writing a book?
Welllll, I’ve been writing at least three books for about thirty years. lolol. I love writing, but never do it. One day I’ll just get myself organized enough to make every day productive 😉
I’ve looked everywhere for info on your paintings. I’m hoping you have some for sale! If so, please let me know! I’m moving in to a new house next month and it needs some cool style from my favorite artist 🙂
Thanks for the words of encouragement!! It’s so nice to know we’re all rooting for each other in this quest for learning and creating and improving – I know for sure I wouldn’t have gone this far if I hadn’t found Cold Feet Studio!!
I hope that didn’t sound rude or demanding. I wrote it on a whim and then started thinking about how I feel about my creations – I get attached and it’s a personal journey you go through and I realize now that I probably sounded grabby and selfish and consumer-ish (word??) haha!
Let me try again: I love your paintings. The little houses are so quaint and special and I love that you have such a consistent theme with them, but that they are all unique at the same time. I’m not sure if you’ve ever considered selling any of them – it certainly seems they mean a lot to you, so I would completely understand an answer of “not for sale”!! But if you’ve done any work you aren’t too fond of or haven’t really bonded with, I’d love to purchase and offer a happy home?
It didn’t sound rude or demanding at all 🙂 I haven’t really put any of my paintings for sale. I sometimes think that I will, but a lot of them take me a long while and so I can’t decided if it’s worth it for me yet. I have dabbled with prints however. Maybe this will give me a gee up deciding what to do with them all lol Thank you for the compliment.
I hope you do try prints!! I’ll be the first to buy one, so let me know if you end up doing that. I did notice on a lot of your paintings comments you made to the effect of “this one’s not finished” or “still working on this one” and I’m thinking “what’s to finish – it looks great to me as is”, but I understand it’s your vision being complete that is important, not my opinion as an observer?. All I can do now is the same thing I did when I saw your jewelry – and that is follow your example and jump in and attempt to paint my own – gonna have to be sneaky about starting another project – hubby says I need to finish something before starting new ones…I say “but Deborah does fine and see how many beautiful things she’s making all at once”!!! Thanks again for the inspiration I feel when I see your work – ‘specially those mandalas – swoon!!!!!!
Ps you’ve had a break in your postings, miss them because they make me laugh, and hope everything is going okay for you…worry about you when you’re quiet ?
Sending smiles,