It’s been a while.

A couple of biggies happened this year which seem to have blown me off course.

First my middle daughter got married in April which was lovely. My son and I arranged and decorated for it and I must say that Stephen turned out to be a great wedding planner – much to his mortification at being associated with lovely flowery things… and hearts.

Here she is with her sister.


And now.

Goes quickly doesn’t it…

We also went home to visit a couple of times. I would go back to live in England in a heartbeat but that trip wears me out and always knocks me back.

So the jewelry was put on hold for a while which I’m not sure was a good thing as it seems to have put me off track somewhat.

The final big thing was having the studio renovated which took far longer due to trips etc. than we expected.

I only wanted a new floor.

Really I did.

I had a concrete floor put in when we first built the studio and I thought it was going to be treated and have that lovely smooth finish and it would be practical and easy to clean. But no. The nice man who thought he knew better than me didn’t treat it and I didn’t complain and after a while it became pitted and stained and the worse floor ever to keep clean. I actually don’t think it was clean for ten years however much I swept vacuumed and washed it. It was a health hazard and when we hired a contractor to talk about renovating our house I asked if after that was done he would put in a new floor for me.

This is when my husband had the brilliant (I must admit) idea of renovating the studio first and then moving into it while the house was done.

I am incredibly lucky as my studio is like a small house. It has four rooms which we designed to be converted into a ‘granny’ annex if we ever moved so the store room was plumbed for a future bathroom and the kitchen area arranged so that it could semi function as such if we ever needed it to.

The kids have all up and left, except that the boy came back (still trying to impress on him the need to move back out, but I must admit I’ll miss him. You never know when a new flower arranging extravaganza will come up) and so we had looked, (I would say on and off for at least four years), for a smaller house to buy closer in town. The houses were great and we saw so many that we could have easily lived in but typically they had no gardens and definitely no room for an outside studio so eventually we decided to stay in this far too big for us house and renovate.

It took me forever to move all of my stuff out of the studio. I seriously believe I had more stuff packed in there than we have now packed from the house.

On a side note I don’t actually know what planet Peter lives on but he seriously doesn’t believe I need it all.


Now, except for most of my jewelry stuff, it’s all in the garage waiting for us to move back into the house so it can come back inside the studio to play.

The studio came out wonderfully and this week we finally moved into it and, I must say, I might not want to move out of it ever again.

Well that’s what I say now…

It’s not ideal to have your jewelry studio in your living room, but hopefully it won’t be for too long and perhaps I’ll take the opportunity to write more and to finish some of the paintings I have lying around and so not create as much dust and fumes as normal. I’m also going to be a grandmother in February so I think a baby blanket is in order. I’ve not tried Tunisian crochet before so I’m going to give it a go.

Only the colour will be a mustard because that’s how my middle daughter likes to roll.


And so that’s me.

I’m not completely convinced that I want to share my studio with Peter. It’s like an intrusion on my sacred ground, but as it was his idea to renovate it and it’s way nicer now than just having a new floor, I might have to give in on that score.


Although no flash photography was used in the making of this video, because I wasn’t sure if anyone would really be interested in what the studio looks like and so felt a little silly filming it, I kind of rushed it. Not super rushed, but enough to say whoa, hang on a minute there girl while I let the dizziness pass.

Enter at your peril…

So you can see that I’ve still a bit of unpacking and sorting to do and the jewelry area does look a bit out of place. I’ve yet to down-size on the clutter and decide what to keep in here or not as it does look as though it’s all stuffed in right now and as I’m not the tidiest person in town I think perhaps the less I have hanging around the better. The one downside is that we have to have the litter boxes in the room with us as there’s nowhere else for them. I’m not sure that I’m going to be o.k. with that. Also there’s nowhere to hang the wet towels right now ? I’ll have to think about that one. But as none of these are world problems I think we’re good.

On a stranger note I happened to google my name the other day and this lovely lady popped up.

I don’t really know who she is (although she does look as though she’s in England) so I thought I’d show you the real me.

Try not to be disappointed that I’m not young, blonde, and beautiful as I’m sure you were all imagining…

Also Youtube seems to have changed things around since I last posted a video so I don’t know how to turn the sound off right now.

To be honest I don’t even know if the videos will post correctly.


I had cut the clip from the first video and then I thought, why not.

So now you’ve seen my face I’m going to have to eat you.

Ha! you thought that was just for disposing of paper evidence didn’t you…

16 thoughts on “It’s been a while.

  1. Suzanne Beavis

    It looks wonderful! I could live there forever. A lovely homey space to work and dwell. That’s some floor. Lol. Thank you for sharing with us. And congratulations on the family member to be. That would be a lovely blanket. I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Suzanne. Thank you and happy christmas to you as well. I was going to message you on FB as I didn’t know if you would see the blog and you’ve asked about the studio. It’s pretty nice isn’t it. I’m very lucky ?

  2. Anonymous

    Hi Deborah. I love your studio. It is so cozy, warm and beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us. I am happy for you. ?. On another note, congratulations on being a soon to be grandma. Don’t be embarrassed but I think you are gorgeous. Thank you for showing us YOU! I won’t lie, I searched the internet looking for your face at one time . ?. Have fun creating in your new awesome space!!

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you! Lol I’ve been guilty of searching for people more than once. I love to put a face to a name. I’ve always been a bit shy to do so though. Merry christmas ?

    • Anonymous

      Don’t know why I am showing anonymous. This is Grace Enedina / Studio G. Take care

      • coldfeetstudioblog

        Merry Christmas Grace!

  3. Hello!!!!

    Great renovation, well worth the hassle, I’d say. And thank you for including the little ‘hello’ too. xx

  4. Angie Simonsen

    Looks like a wonderfully creative place and LOVED the unique refrigerator – and always, a cat on the corner of the couch is needed! Liked seeing the seeing video as well and was going to comment but I’m logged into YT as my husband and that would be weird… You look great and so does your space!

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      I’m waiting for the other two cats to come in. They’re still in the house at the moment and I’m going to bring them in today. I think it might be a bit tight for the three of them so I’m hoping they’ll start playing well with each other ?

  5. Lauretta

    Deborah so good to hear from you! Wow, your studio is much bigger and much nicer than my small home. Congratulations on the new addition to come! Ahhh, England at Christmas time, there’s nothing like a good Christmas pudding. Hope to see some more of your work and videos as well, now that we’ve seen you! 🙂

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Thank you Lauretta! Merry christmas to you. I’ll only be having a small bite of the pudding as I’ve never liked it ? Have to have that one bite for luck as my mum used to say ?

  6. Gale W

    Nice to see and hear from you again. A very merry Christmas in the new space to you and yours.

    • coldfeetstudioblog

      Merry Christmas to you too Gale ?

  7. Jill

    Omg it’s so perfect, just like everything else you create?

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