In case you’ve been worried. Spud has made it through the spaying op. It’s been hard. Touch and go really. But what a trouper. The rest period was tricky. She had to find it wherever she could. But the collar’s off and now she’s ready to go. – In other news. I’ve started putting a […]
Month: October 2015
The evolution of a bracelet.
In pictures. Because I don’t want to use my words today. Even though words are my favourite thing. I’m resting them. Because it’s Sunday. And it’s raining. And rainy Sunday days like to rest their words. Unless church is involved. In which case there is celebration with words. But I’m not in church. So I’m […]
So there I was, a little fed up and a little bored, when…
I see this poor fella. You see P told me that if I didn’t buy cat litter on the way home that day that I couldn’t live here any more. Did that mean I would be locked out of my studio, I wondered quietly to myself. I could break in the window while he was away hunting […]
Lesson learned. Less is more.
It’s been on my mind for a while now to stop with the fiddly things. I’m not sorry that I made my last piece as I think I’m really getting better at soldering all the little bits together. What I’m not good at is polishing. I like the oxidized look, but I’m beginning to get irritated […]
And now for something completely different…
Nah. Same ol’ same ol’ really. – I haven’t used the old JoolTool for a while now. Not since I learned how to fix the thing. So I thought it was time to get the old girl out and give her a whirl. So I threw her a little turquoise. She worked like a dream. No showing […]
I didn’t want it to happen
I didn’t want to love Spud as much as I love Wally. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Wally. He’ll always be my favourite, but look How can you not love that face. Even if it is her, don’t look at me I don’t like you anymore, face. Sorry Spud. It had to be […]
I’m back!
I’ve just tried to explain all the happenings over at the old blog. HERE I hate to call it my old blog 🙁 I’m kind of missing it already. – –
It is over.
I have been banished. WordPress doesn’t like me anymore and I don’t know why. They have thrown me out with the bath water. And everything is gone. 🙁 I have e-mailed them, but my appeal for clemency seems to have become lost in the vast unknown as I’ve yet to receive a response. Aparently I have […]
And now… Jump Rings…
I have struggled with making my own jump rings ever since I’ve been, well… making them. The only thing, in my opinion, more annoying than making jump rings is wire wrapping. Fortunately I don’t care to make wire wrapped jewelry, but on the odd occasion that I need to make something requiring even the simplest wrapping technique […]
I present to you the…
Pathetic Lump. Looks like a creature from the unknown. Not to be defeated I went on to make a bigger, better, stronger, Pathetic Lump So that the first Pathetic Lump would have a friend and not feel so alone in its patheticness. Little do they know that their friendship cannot last as it’s back to the flames with […]
It worked!
Thanks for all the good wishes. We had a great art fair and the weather was absolutely perfect. For a minute I thought we must be somewhere other than Houston. NO humidity what so ever. Brilliant. AND I met this really neat little old guy and we chatted forever about jewelry making. Loved him. Never had […]
Wish me luck
I’m off to the art fair! (Sounds like it should be a song) It’s going to be a lovely day which is all I could wish for here in Houston. Please no humidity. Please. – – –