Oops. I did it again!

Maybe there is no hope for me. You might be able to tell that I have a thing for Crazy Lace Agate. NOT my fault – look at it! My only hope now is that I might be able to save others. For all you jewelry makers out there that struggle with cabochon addiction. Run! […]

Acting out.

‘As far as I’m concerned, if a person desires to write, it’s worth trying to find a way to do it, even five minutes a day, and what happens to the writing afterward is a separate issue. The act of doing it has enormous value on its own.’ – Aimee Bender. – I read an article this […]

I made a box.

And put an amethyst in it. I know. I said that amethyst was banned from my studio, See here. But it seems I am a glutton for punishment. The design of this pendant is really more a pocket than a box. I’ve been wanting to try something like this for a while now but wasn’t […]

A disturbance in the ranks.

The troops are gathering. And they’re looking pretty determined. Wally is keeping a close eye on them, whilst appearing nonchalant. And Spencer is on high alert. In a shrewd feign of guarding the jewels. Pickles, not photographed here, is undercover. Some might think that she is slightly ashamed of her body weight, but she is, […]


I woke up dreaming that my dad had died 🙁 Very sad. It set my day off badly. I called my dad and he was fine, but I still felt sad. So, today has been a drooping day. All of me is drooping, especially my face which kind of bothers me as it also feels […]

This week

I’ve been finger painting. Which I love, except now I have paint all over my bra strap. I’ve been pallet knife painting. Which I also love and it’s a little less messy – bonus. And, I’ve been doing, whatever the hell this is, Really not sure at the moment. It started off as an acrylic mess, don’t […]

Playing with Pixlr

I’ve been playing with pixlr and I’m liking this scratchy effect although I’m not sure it would sell my jewelry for me 🙂 It’s great what you can do with these programmes and this one is free if you want to check it out. It just takes a minute to figure it out and then […]

Keeping it simple.

Yesterday I wrote a long post about the African Green Opal. It was really boring – so I deleted it. So, until I don’t feel so boring I’m just going to keep it simple, fumble around WordPress to get my bearings and try to get my umph back from wherever it’s gone. These are my […]