I finished the beast by taking out the Serpentine stone after I gouged a great big 5mm wide trough through it from one side to the other and managed to work with it on the Jool Tool (beginning to like this thing) until it was looking better. I found that Serpentine, at least the ones […]
Month: April 2015
So, I’ve given it all up again…
This week I’ve only managed to make horrible things. Not only are they horrible, but they took years to make. It was like drowning. So I’ve decided to knock it on the head for a bit. For the rest of the week I’m just going to just clean up my jewelry for the art festival in […]
Back to front.
I decided to try something I hadn’t done before. With a coral fossil, similar to this one, which wasn’t particularly inspiring me. It’s very round and very flat. So I saw a photograph of a back to front setting and thought I’d have a go. It’s a little bit boring, but next time I might jazz it up […]
It’s all very exhausting.
I finished the thing. I’ve never embroidered before, just cross stitched, and I must say I’m enjoying this more. I can do it faster and get more detail. I’m half way through another and after I’ve practiced more I think I’ll make a big one. I also finished this pendant. I bought the bottom Sonora […]
From funk to determination.
Yep the ol’ funk still. If you’ve been reading my blog for any time you’ll know I get them. I’m a funky kind of person – and not in the good way 😉 Well this one’s just been lingering around trying to make itself more important than it really is, and I’ve been plodding along almost going […]
Tube setting – thoughts and discoveries.
So I made a few tube settings and, although it goes against every grain in my body, wouldn’t you know it, slow and sure wins the day. Almost. I also wanted to start using up the huge bowl of scrap silver I have sitting beside me. Taunting me always in the corner of my eye. […]
Just in case you were missing me.
I thought I’d send you all a pic of my mantle. Soil crumbs an’ all. I love all of my mates. Although P rolls his eyes. Look at my new bird 🙂 Off to wipe it down now. Oh, and I’ve been trying out new things with my triffid drawings. And, the flush setting has […]
Let the quilting begin…
I had a bit of a slow day yesterday, but finally got the half-finished quilt out. Here’s where I had left off. About a year ago when I got bored with it. Even though it was practically finished. Sometimes it goes like that. So I finished putting the red dots on the blue doowhats and have […]
I’ve been thinking quilts…
I refuse to think that I’m in a funk. I choose to believe that I need a change of scenery. (Thank you Cecilia, By the way, did your tank come yet?) Beginnings… Not sure how far I’ll get with this one for now as I’ve another one half finished, but it has got my quilt juices […]