When the gauge gets down to around 4 on the regulator thingy I start to get anxious. The inevitability of having to drive that bottle down to the shop one more time and bring back a full one starts to weigh on my mind and every time I light the thing up I know I’m […]
Month: July 2016
Everything was going so well.
Things had picked up. They’d moved on from the funk. Even I liked the pieces I was making. I know, right! I should have known something was up when it took me five years yesterday to solder two caps onto the ends of some wire. I should have walked away then. But no. I had to […]
I’ve given it all up – again.
Call it what you will. Off the boil. Bored with it all. Funk. Decline. But the jewelry’s taken a plunge. Again. Hasn’t stopped me from buying up all the cabochon’s on Etsy though. Or a new saw. I didn’t want to buy it. Really I didn’t. Just look at it in all its funky self. I […]
Why good Sirs I do believe I’ve found me a fine Southern boy…
After Dracula I had decided on either Rebecca or Anna Karenina, but when I listened to the preview readings of the audiobooks I didn’t fancy either of their voices so I search around aimlessly until I came upon South of Broad by Pat Conroy. Bit of a difference I know, but work with me here. I […]
So we haven’t had a project in a while…
And I thought you might like to play along with me. By the way, Dracula is great. I much prefer it to Frankenstein except that it’s spoiled somewhat by the fact that the Gary Oldman/Keanu Reeves movie is so true to the book that I can see it all playing out in front of me again. I really wanted to imagine […]