We have a new cat.
She’s the same brand as Pickles.
Only Pickles is (fat). We try not to say that out loud as Pickles is very sensitive about her weight.
Sophie is Pickles mini me and she belongs to N, the middle child, who has always wanted a small black thing of her very own to love.
Now there are four cats living in our house, and when B comes home to visit there are five so this is very important reading.
Thanks to my sister who sent this to me for christmas we can now sleep a little more soundly at night.
Sophie’s about 5 months old now. We rescued her from an awful shelter and we were hers from the moment she set eyes on us. She literally jumped on N when the cage was opened and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
She’s right at home with the other cats. Taking all the good spots on the sofa and pushing herself right in there when the food bowls come out.
It’s every man for himself in this house.
In other news, there’s been no opportunity to work on anything much. I’m still pretty stuck in MIL mode.
I did buy these yesterday.
Because I needed them.
Really I wanted this one.
But, wouldn’t you know it, someone already bought it.
I might just have to try to make my own.
So although I can’t do much at the moment except buy beautiful things on the internet, you’ll be relieved to know that I can participate in my, Fantasy Food Friday.
I thought I needed one of those alphabet days that all those other bloggers seem to have so I made one up for all the food I want to eat but can’t because I have to go to a wedding in Spain in May and I want to look beautiful.
Like this.
But, I will save it for another Friday as I need to eat real food right now and my fantasy food will just make me jealous.
what a beautiful pussy cat, sophie is! but clearly not as beautiful as our molly cat… (can’t have her getting jealous!)
gorgeous pottery… *sigh*
happy new year!
no, molly cat is definitely beautiful 🙂