Just so you know.

It’s 46 ¡™£¢∞§¶•••ªªƒ©˙∆˚

(O.K. that’s me trying to find the degree sign. No worries, I think I got it).

It’s 46˚ out there today.

Very nice. I feel as though I can breathe.

Although Wally has decided that he’s better off under the bed clothes.

Either that or he’s hiding from the wicked step cat who’s here for the weekend.

Here she is in her exorcist pose.

Freaky cat.

A few things going on right now.

First I found these.

Which I’m really excited about.

You can read about my poached egg trauma here and here.

But, be warned, it includes the word, snot.

I haven’t tried them out yet but today might just be the day.

 And although I did say there were a few things going on at the moment, I think I lied as I can’t seem to come up with anything else.

I did find this, however,

in the cupboard, which has encouraged me to try a few more.

I’m still reading up on selling my jewelry wholesale, but haven’t got that far with it yet because it involves going out and talking to people. I didn’t know I was such a chicken.

O.K. maybe I did.

I have been listing a few more things on Etsy.

(I didn’t write that Danielle 😉 did I ever mention I was a slow learner?).

And today?

I’m thinking of getting out my PMC and making some charms. Only the stuff makes me really frustrated as all I seem to do is get hundreds of dollars of sticky silver on my fingers which is really annoying and no good for my blood pressure.

Maybe I should experiment with the copper clay first just to get a grip on things.

This is one of my first attempts before I put the stuff away in disgust.

Not very inspiring.

But, other people can do it, so I’m determined I can. Not that I’m stubborn or anything.

Or, I might paint.

Let’s just hope the poached egg situation doesn’t put a damper on the whole day.

I will report back …

0 thoughts on “Just so you know.

  1. Uh huh … on another note – who is in that painting. Is that your husband and child? Very nice!

    • yes, it’s peter and nikki, my middle child. she’s 21 now! time flies.

  2. Beth

    I love the painting you did of Nikki and dad. I am always chicken when it comes to painting portraits, so I just make a photo print instead. I can snap a picture. You are brave in my mind.

    • beth, you just have to go for it.
      easier said than done but you can do it if i can 🙂

  3. oooh, I came here to thank you for the comment you left on my sunflower and what do I see? you have a cat that looks almost like the one I’m missing so much… I’m talking about the first photo… mine was named Tomi and one day he just didn’t return home….

    anyways… I looove your jewellery! I really can’t see why you wouldn’t like those earrings… I find them very pretty… and the rest of the things I’m seeing here are gorgeous too!

    and I’ll just have to follow you now.. I don’t want to miss your poached eggs story… I’d love to be able to make them someday too (I think I have a pin about them… do I?)

    was I too long? hope not 😀

    I hope you’ll drop by again



  4. I knew I saw it! Here it is, maybe it’ll help you…. I haven’t tried it myself but I will someday, I promise! 🙂 http://www.pbs.org/food/fresh-tastes/poached-eggs/

    • that’s great! my dad poaches them like that but it kind of freaks me out in some weird way. i think it’s all the floaty bits. but, i am going to try it as the finished photo looks so yummy.
      sorry about tomi, that’s definitely the downside of owning animals 🙁

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