I thought I’d send you all a pic of my mantle. Soil crumbs an’ all. I love all of my mates. Although P rolls his eyes. Look at my new bird 🙂 Off to wipe it down now. Oh, and I’ve been trying out new things with my triffid drawings. And, the flush setting has […]
The quilt, Kumbaya, and, ‘why’ drawings.
The quilt is finished! And the back. I’ve enjoyed it. Taken my time quilting it. Decided I didn’t like the orange half way through. Thought it would take forever about two thirds through. Got fed up quilting it. Felt sad when it was all over as now I have nothing to quilt. Decided perhaps the […]
So I never promised you a rose garden.
But who cares when you can have these instead. Although you could probably get lockjaw from both. I wonder. Would it smell as sweet? Would it matter? – –
And this
Is why I don’t’ like PMC (precious metal clay). Oh yes, it all sounds good. You can do stuff with it never attempted before, or so the rumours will have you believe, but, look at it. There must be a thousand billion dollars of the stuff on my fingers right here. And all the things […]
Exciting times in the studio.
There’s been a massive clean up. Something apparently took over my body yesterday and lo! Can you say-what happened! Everything is in its place. Which is kind of frightening. In a creepy sort of way. But, I’m liking it. From this angle it doesn’t look like I’ve done a thing. But, it’s my little piece […]
Tell me.
Why no one told me about Philip Jackson? Where has he been my whole life? I am seriously ashamed of myself for having not heard of him. Look at that foot. . Those hands The movement. So delicate. And striking. Those fingers! I want to stand and look at her all day. And sit next […]
Studio Time.
Today I made a ring. And a painting Now I’ve got to wait until tomorrow until I can play again. 🙁 –
I found another
Art work that grabs my attention. It’s the colour that gets me first. That blue is spectacular. And then I found another. Well two anothers. That foot! I think it’s almost time for me to get my finger out and try to do some serious work. Look at this stuff. It’s not wrong of me […]
I say old girl, don’t look now but,
I think there’s a bird on your head … Happy Friday. –
A rainy Pissarro kind of day.
Big storm last night and it looks like more rain today. Right now it’s dark and cosy. A good reading day, but, I’m thinking studio … A while back I started this, which turned into this, then this, and now this, As always I think I prefer the first one. Bummer! Today I’ll be continuing […]
Just sayin’