NOTE: If you’re here and you haven’t seen my previous post which shows how I make the first part of the bracelet from hell you might want to take a look at that one first. Otherwise here are the second batch of videos which show how I made the sides of the bracelet. – […]
jewelry making
I thought I’d try something a little different this time.
Someone asked if I would write a tutorial on one of my latest bracelets, which I’m happy to do, but just for jollies I thought that this time I’d try to video my process. I’ve never made a video of myself before and so I’ve never really heard my own voice other than on one […]
So wot’s been going on here then…
It’s been 516 days since I’ve been an orphan. Not that I’ve been counting or anything… but, Blog’s been out the window that’s for sure. But I thought I’d just pop out of hiding for a few minutes or so to let you all know that I’m still alive and to tell you a little bit […]
A couple of new tools for a good girl.
Maybe not so good, but I have been trying. – I’ve been enjoying making the cuffs and up to now have used the strips that Rio sent me that one time when I messed up my order and ended up with six, 6″ x 1″ strips instead of a 6″ x 6″ square. Always check the order form before […]
Time to step it up – again…
I’m still doing a lot of things wrong. Mostly it’s because I’m impatient which, of course, often times means that I end up needing to work on something for longer anyway because I didn’t pay enough attention in the first place. So I’m going to step it up. Again. I know I stepped it up once before, and that was […]
Orderly disorder.
I thought I’d share with you my inventory system. For years I just put all the jewelry I made into little bags and popped them in a drawer until I sold them. This worked well until I started to drown in finished jewelry pieces and found myself becoming more and more fraught with anxiety each time I […]
Things are getting bad – please send chocolate. Or, as my good mate Charlie once said, Desperate Times…
O.K. so I didn’t actually know Charles Dickens, but I’m pretty sure I spotted him in the street that one time in my other life. Think it was him, those Victorians look all the same to me… So today, rather than wallow which I’m apt to do, I finally decided to implement Stage One of the […]
So we haven’t had a project in a while…
And I thought you might like to play along with me. By the way, Dracula is great. I much prefer it to Frankenstein except that it’s spoiled somewhat by the fact that the Gary Oldman/Keanu Reeves movie is so true to the book that I can see it all playing out in front of me again. I really wanted to imagine […]
So here’s the thing.
Even years used to be my favourite. Now you might say that this is magical thinking at its best, but I know that when you enter the dark world of odd numbers there’s just gonna be trouble in store. Just take a look. 1 3 5 7 9 Now you can’t tell me that all […]
A few lovelies.
Not a lot going on here at the moment. The tank ran out again. I think I’m averaging just over six months a pop which means that twice a year my life is on the line. This time I made the boy come with me. He wasn’t too thrilled about holding the tank in-between his legs […]
I sold it.
But before I posted it yesterday I took another photograph as I wanted to show you the back of the bracelet. I love making the backs almost as much as the front. And I started another painting. I’ve begun to realize that I’m a starter painter and not a finisher. I must have about fifty of […]
In case you’ve been worried. Spud has made it through the spaying op. It’s been hard. Touch and go really. But what a trouper. The rest period was tricky. She had to find it wherever she could. But the collar’s off and now she’s ready to go. – In other news. I’ve started putting a […]
The evolution of a bracelet.
In pictures. Because I don’t want to use my words today. Even though words are my favourite thing. I’m resting them. Because it’s Sunday. And it’s raining. And rainy Sunday days like to rest their words. Unless church is involved. In which case there is celebration with words. But I’m not in church. So I’m […]
Another quickie…
For anyone out there who would like a comprehensive tutorial on prong setting, bezel setting, and flush setting faceted stones, Ann Cahoon has one of the better demonstrations I’ve watched. You can download it to watch immediately or purchase the dvd. HERE Enjoy. Actually they have a lot of good dvd’s. And here’s another piece I’ve […]
A hundred days of what?
I came across the 100 day project and thought why not. Trouble is I didn’t know what I’d want to do for a hundred days. I’m not usually up for challenges as I believe they are set ups for failure, but I thought, hey, I might give this one a go. So I decided I […]
A little bit for Linda and then some for Deborah…
As usual I started off with the good intention of photographing everything I do to cut a cabochon, but then forgot. Sorry Linda. Sometimes I didn’t forget, but didn’t want to lose a hand. You understand I’m sure. Talking of hands I was listening to NPR yesterday and it was actually about how they can […]
Warning. Things are getting bad. Please send chocolate…
I’ve almost completely had it now with the boredom, the bathroom, and the custom order, but at least I don’t have to worry about the cactus garden for a while now as we had 162 billion gallons of water fall here last week. 162 BILLION GALLONS! I can’t even count that high. P still went into work though […]
Well I’m still here,
And I’m still bored. Maybe it’s the weather. It’s done nothing but rain since I woke up two months ago, and although I like it I think it might be making me a bit moody. The garden is loving it though. I’ve been thinking about water a lot just recently, and how we use it, […]
Nuttin’ but worry and indecision…
While I’ve been away, recuperating from the trauma of losing one of my most beloved teeth, I’ve been working on a couple of custom orders. (Actually, there wasn’t much recuperating going on, I was just boring myself silly with all the drivel I’ve been writing lately…) I’ve never really felt that comfortable trying to make something […]
Oh the trauma…
Lots of trauma. First up, I had to have a tooth out. I know, right! Now I feel old and gappy, as though I’ve forgotten to put my dentures in. It was a horrible experience and I’ve felt shattered the WHOLE week. I can only imagine what I’m going to be like when I have to […]
From funk to determination.
Yep the ol’ funk still. If you’ve been reading my blog for any time you’ll know I get them. I’m a funky kind of person – and not in the good way 😉 Well this one’s just been lingering around trying to make itself more important than it really is, and I’ve been plodding along almost going […]
Is it still raining here! Is it not aware that we are Houston? That, yes it can rain, but not all of the time… I mean, I like a good downpour as much as the next person, but I want to take some photographs and, although the dark depths of doom sky is pretty cosy in […]
To dangle or to not dangle? A survey…
I made the bracelet without the focal cabochon and really like it. It’s heavy and fits perfectly. I timed how long it took me to make, and I figured about three hours all told. Then I tried pricing it out as the flourish and thrive course suggests. Which brought it to $451! I’m just not […]
Stepping it up a notch.
I’ve been making a lot of bracelets in my, step it up a notch, campaign 🙂 But first, look at this beautiful stone. Agua Nueva. Such a beautiful colour. I made it some links, and included some pearls. The grey ones are my favourite, although I do keep trying to like the other ones – honest. […]
Am I too pickled for opera?
Between you guys (sorry been in Texas too long) and the Flourish and Thrive course I’m really beginning to sort myself out… I think. Either way I’m enjoying myself. In January I decided to take my jewelry to the next level. To Infinity and Beyond. It started out a bit boring and at first I […]
So there I was. In the studio.
Minding my own business. When in the space of one swallow I had a sore throat. Add that to the constant runny nose and it’ll not be long before I need my face mask for more than just keeping the dust out. Actually I’m wondering if I shouldn’t put my pickle farther away from me […]
I am back in the saddle. If you’ve forgotten, here is a view of the central control station. Where all of the good stuff happens. And some of the bad. All nice and tidy and ready and waiting. I keep thinking I would like to get myself a proper jewelry bench. I like the idea of […]
And what exactly happened here?
You went into the quilt shop for white background fabric, and? So you’re trying to tell me that tangerine is the new white? O.K. I’ll buy that. – Amazingly tidy quilt table. Look at it now, because it won’t last long. – First cup of tea. (Actually my third. I’d already had two before I […]
And now for something completely different …
O.K. Perhaps not that different. Click on the image if you really need to know what’s going on here. Remember, you can never undo what you’ve seen once you’ve seen it. Otherwise scroll down to see what magic is going on in the studio this time. – O.K. So you bought this piece of amethyst a long […]
I’m gonna have to get me some new pixies.
I’m in the process of changing around my studio. The jewelry and painting have been nagging me for a bigger space as they’ve decided to sprawl and now take up every available inch of the back room. I love the ceramics and it’s always there waiting for me, but I think it can manage the […]
Why jewelry making (for me) should perhaps be a spectator sport.
This is what happens when your mind wanders for just one nano second while you’re using the buffing wheel. So take heed new jewelry making people. This little beauty. Can do this. Soon I will make a booklet of all my jewelry injuries so that you can avoid them. It should sell for millions. I can’t give […]
Why you should never leave the house on a Sunday morning with a credit card and a friend that doesn’t tell you to stop when it all starts to get out of hand.
Save me now. – International Gem and Jewelry Show Click on photographs for gemstone information. –
Just so you know.
The other day, when I decided to throw caution to the wind and paint again, this happened – but, you’ll be relieved to know that I put a stop to it as soon as I could. First it became even more hideous – in a mocking sort of way, but I had the last laugh […]
Now, where were we?
Back to jewelry. I’ve been making a few things. Click on photos to see examples of stones used. I decided to go a bit bohemian with the last one, but I’m not sure I like it. I’ve not been in the studio today as I’ve been out and about this morning and decided that I just have to […]
Studio Time.
Today I made a ring. And a painting Now I’ve got to wait until tomorrow until I can play again. 🙁 –
So, where were we …
As you may remember I made this link. Which was all well and good except that the chain I made with it costs 5 billion dollars as it was so time consuming to make the ends smooth enough so that they wouldn’t catch on your clothes. (This bracelet is still for sale btw if anyone has the 5 billion in cash). […]
It’s O.K. really :)
Update from this mornings post. – So, perhaps the hair didn’t come out so well but I had a jewelry sale this morning which topped me close to the $1000 mark. Okay, so I didn’t really make $1000, as P would be eager to point out to you, as I have never worked my jewelry […]